Eclipse No 2


Post-Hydrant Eclipse No 2  -  Features
Eclipse No 2
ECLIPSE No. 2 Post Hydrant
(Non - Freezing)

    Comes with either one or two nozzles of the size you wish.

    Available with any depth of bury you desire.

    Inlet can be 2", 2½", or 3" iron pipe.

    Also available with 2" or 3" mechanical joints.

    You can replace interior parts without disturbingany connections. Just unbolt the top cap and withdraw the inside working parts.

    All hydrants now furnished with ductile iron pipe trench stocks to provide corrosion resistance for longer life.

  • Comes with 2 - 3/16" valve opening.
Note:    You can choose from two options!
    A temporarily or permanently attached Wheelhandle which provides easy opening and closing without using a wrench.

    A Tamper-Proof Locking Device to prevent unauthorized operation of the hydrant. Each hydrant is provided with the special tools needed for operation.

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